Monday, January 19, 2009

Setiap lagu ada nyawanya..

A wise sensei once said, "Kalau nak buat lagu, buatlah lagu yang mudah dinyanyikan".. that sensei was Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee..

Last night when Meet Uncle Hussain won AJL23, I heard another good quote which goes something like this.. "Every song has it's soul and it's fate lies in the amount of heart we put in it".. I always believed that in any job, the key lies in how much one loves doing it.. if one is passionate about what he/she does, the reward will come.. and usually the sweetest one are those that come unexpectedly.. "Lagu Untukmu" actually took more than 2 years to see daylight, and now almost everyone knows the tune..

This is my own take on the song.. a shortened acoustic version.. ;)

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